Industries & Operations
Submarine Telecoms
Subsea Fibre Optic Cables
Since the development of fibre optic cables in the 1980’s and the advent of the modern internet in the 1990’s the submarine telecommunications market has grown exponentially as demand for higher transmission speeds and capacity increases and more countries around the world become reliant on connectivity. Reliability is key to the operation of submarine cables which traverse all the world’s oceans in the most diverse and hazardous environments and are prone to a wide variety of threats.
How we Support
Verisub specialises in supporting all aspects of submarine fibre optic cable projects, ranging from the feasibility or desk study stage through to geophysical and geotechnical surveys, cable route engineering design and subsequent system installation, inspection, and maintenance operations.

- Cable Route Survey Operations
- Shallow Water Geophysical Survey
- Deep Water Hydrographic Surveys
- Benthic Surveys
- Topographic Land Surveys
- AUV Surveys
- Geotechnical Investigations
- UXO Surveys
- Cable Installation Operations
- Cable Lay and Plough Burial
- Pre-Lay Shore Ends PLSE
- Direct Shore Ends DSE
- Route Clearance RC
- Pre-Lay Grapnel Runs PLGR
- Post Lay Inspection & Burial PLIB
- Cable Maintenance and Repair
Roles and Services
- Purchaser & Client Representatives
- Hydrographic Surveyors
- Geophysicists / Geologists
- Geotechnical specialists
- Project Managers
- Survey Managers
- Installation Project Managers
- Technical Controllers
- Project Engineers
- Cable Route Engineers
- MakaiPlan and GIS Specialists
- QHSE Advisors
- HSE Coaching
- Environmental Specialists
- Auditors
- ISO9001/14001 Lead Auditors
- CMID/OVID Inspectors
- Cable Route Engineering
- Project Document Review
- Burial Assessments BAS Review
- Vessel Inspections and Audits
Renewable Energy
Offshore Windfarms, Tide and Wave Energy
As countries start to accelerate their plans to reach Net Zero or low carbon energy transition the renewables industry has become one of the fastest growing offshore sectors in the UK and Europe, expanding to the USA and Far East and soon many other countries in the world. Offshore windfarms are becoming larger each year, with taller turbines, sited further offshore in deeper water and either constructed on the seabed or on floating platforms. Tidal and wave energy generators are increasingly sited in some of the most challenging environments to work in.
How We Support
Verisub are experienced in supporting all aspects of offshore renewable energy project development, ranging from geophysical and geotechnical surveys, cable route engineering design and installation, inspection and maintenance operations. With our in-house expertise and teams of specialists we have managed renewable energy marine survey projects and provided teams of consultants to supervise.

- 2D & 3D UHR Multichannel Seismic
- Geophysical Cable Route Surveys
- AUV Surveys
- USV Surveys
- Benthic Surveys
- Geotechnical Investigations
- Burial Assessment Survey (BAS)
- UXO Surveys and Removal
- Cable Route Engineering
- Cable Lay
- Shore End Installation
- Route Clearance
- Post Lay Inspection & Burial PLIB
- Cable Maintenance and Repair
Roles and Services
- Client Representatives
- Project Managers
- Project Engineers
- Survey Managers
- Cable Route Engineers
- GIS Specialists
- QHSE Advisors
- Environmental Specialists
- ISO9001/14001 Auditors
- CMID/OVID Inspectors
- Cable Route Engineering
- Project Document Review
- Burial Assessments BAS Review
- Vessel Inspections and Audits
Power utilities
Subsea Cables Power Transmission and Interconnectors
With the ever-increasing need to transport power from offshore renewable energy sites such as wind farms, tidal or wave generators to shore as well as transferring electricity between countries, well-designed and secure subsea power cables, and interconnectors are becoming critical to many countries’ infrastructure.
How We Support
Verisub has many years of experience in subsea export cables and interconnectors in the UK and Europe, involving geophysical surveys, UXO surveys, shallow geotechnical investigations and sampling, route engineering through to cable installation and post lay burial and inspection works.

- Geophysical Cable Route Surveys
- Benthic Surveys
- Geotechnical Investigations
- Burial Assessments BAS
- UXO Surveys and Removal
- Cable Route Engineering
- Cable Lay
- Shore Ends Installation
Roles and Services
- Client Representatives
- Project Managers
- Project Engineers
- Survey Managers
- Cable Route Engineers
- GIS Specialists
- QHSE Advisors
- Environmental Specialists
- Cable Route Engineering
- Project Document Review
- Burial Assessments BAS Review
- Vessel Inspections and Audits
Conventional Energy
Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration and Production
Oil & Gas remains the worlds’ foremost source of energy, and associated products, and is the most mature of all the offshore industries with a diverse array of operations involved in the exploration, production and transportation of products.
How We Support
Verisub have a long history of supporting major developers and service companies in the Oil & Gas sector providing project staff and technical field personnel to oversee large multimillion dollar projects in all production regions around the world.

- Seismic Exploration (2D, 3D, 4D, OBC)
- 2D & 3D UHR Multichannel Seismic
- Environmental Surveys
- Geotechnical Investigations
- AUV Surveys
- USV Surveys
- UXO Surveys and Removal
- Rig Moves
- Pipe & Umbilical Lay
- Platform Installation.
- Dimensional Control Surveys
- Post Lay Inspection & Burial PLIB
- Cable Maintenance and Repair
Roles and Services
- Offshore Client Representatives (OCR)
- Marine Representatives
- HSE Representatives
- Project Managers
- Project Engineers
- Survey Managers
- Project Surveyors & Geophysicists
- GIS Specialists
- QHSE Advisors
- Environmental Specialists, MMO, PSO & PAM
- ISO9001/14001 Auditors
- CMID/OVID Inspectors
- Project Support
- Project Document Review
- Feasibility Assessment Review
- Vessel Inspections and Audits